Strategies to Streamline Your Product Photography Workflow

Photography Workflow

The way your products look online can affect your customers’ decision to purchase it, according to a recent study by eBay Research Labs. The researchers found that image quality was an essential factor in their purchase, as pictures provide visual proof of the product’s quality. That is also backed by a survey done by Weebly, which stated that over 75% of customers find product photos influential in their purchasing decision. One response indicated that product images provide information on the …

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Useful Tactics for a Profitable Sports Facility

man about to throw the ball

Sports facilities enrich communities and enhance the quality of life. But behind the scenes, they’re not the easiest business to manage. Sports facility owners have to deal with hefty staff costs, lighting, maintenance, and so on. Not to mention, long off-peak hours can cause serious dents on cash flow.  Fortunately, there are several initiatives you can try to ensure your sports center’s survival. Here are four ways to maximize revenue and attract more patrons.  Explore sponsorships  Sponsors can bring big money to …

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Two Important Considerations When Packing to Move

Man talking on the phone while packing

Moving house can be traumatic. The act of packing for the move is rarely mechanical; you’re literally deconstructing your home, and the process can bring nostalgia as you handle and box the items that make up so many memories, both good and bad. A good way to minimize the stress and handle the emotionally difficult time of moving is to have the smoothest moving process. Make your move as painless and trouble-free as possible by using the right equipment and …

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Two Important Considerations When Packing to Move

Moving house can be traumatic. The act of packing for the move is rarely mechanical; you're literally deconstructing your home, and the process can bring nostalgia as you handle and box the items that make up so many memories, both good and bad. A good way to minimize the stress and handle the emotionally difficult time of moving is to have the smoothest moving process. Make your move as painless and trouble-free as possible by using the right equipment and …

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Finding Reliable Sources in the Age of Misinformation


In the age of hoaxes, fake news, and accusations rampant throughout both the digital space and the real world intertwined, it seems more important than ever to have reliable sources of information and be able to share this with other people in your community. Thankfully, there are a lot of ways you can avoid dupes out there and highlight legitimate sources. Some of the steps you can take to protect yourself and others are these: Know official channels, especially for …

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Planning Your Estate: What Steps Should You Take?

Estate planning is not something most people look forward to doing. But the more you put it off, the more you put your family’s future in jeopardy. An estate plan is critical, especially if you have assets you wish to bestow to your family and friends after your death. An official and legalised estate ensures that your last wishes are carried out successfully. While estate planning is a complicated process, it is vital to start working on it sooner than later. Here …

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4 Reasons SEO is the Key to Startup Success

seo process concept

Today’s online market is a cutthroat environment especially for startups and small businesses. No matter how exceptional your products or services are, if you are not on Google’s first page, there’s no way your customers would find you. The best way to secure that top spot is through SEO. By definition, SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a digital marketing practice that involves attracting organic traffic that can yield conversions and revenue. It uses keywords to improve your website’s ranking …

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What to Look for When Selecting a Reliable Broker

As a rule, one of the best and arguably essential options for tackling the world of forex trading is to get yourself a good broker to rely on. These days, ECN brokers are the way to go. They provide direct access to other currency market participants for their clients and make use of the electronic communications networks established since the '90s but were refined in recent years. Before you seek out the right broker, make sure the one you pick …

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4 Things You Can Do to Keep Your Appliances in Good Condition


We all rely on home appliances and electronics to make our lives easier and more comfortable. Refrigerators keep our food fresh, air conditioners cool our homes and offices, and we use smartphones for communication and entertainment. It’s difficult to understate the importance of appliances in our everyday life. But they are still machines and will stop working if not appropriately maintained. We often take gadgets and appliances for granted. Only when they break down do we appreciate the convenience and …

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Scammer Alert! Protect Yourself from Allegations of Fraud

As the pandemic continues to rage around the world, governments are scrambling for strategies to grow their economy. Some have eased lockdown restrictions to allow businesses to open, while some countries are providing government aid or grants to entities and individuals affected by the pandemic. For many small businesses, it seems like the government is giving free money. But that is not the case. When the government provides individuals and companies with a grant, government bodies such as the Federal …

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