Looking for a Job in the Time of COVID-19

UK job losses from March to May were recorded at 600,000, with people claiming work-related benefits climbing to 2.8 million. Business insiders fear we have yet to see the worse.

Many workers are starting to update their CVs in the event of getting the dreaded news. While those who are already unemployed are, no doubt, finding it difficult to find a new job in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis.

Information is the key to navigating the new normal in the now weak labor force. Knowing how the pandemic is affecting different industries and the unique skills you need to acquire will play a key role in keeping or finding new employment.

How Is Your Industry Is Affected?

The first thing you need to research is how this crisis has affected your industry. Identify the long-term and short-term implications, how many jobs were affected, how soon can it recover if it was struck, and how it will adapt to the new normal.

Also, research on businesses or employers that are still actively hiring. It will not hurt to consult with a head hunter if you work for the private sector or a specialist on public sector recruitment if it is more your line.

It will help you see the overall picture before making your next moves.

Do You Need to Upgrade Your Skills?

While your experience and industry knowledge are a big factor, some industries go through changes fast. This means you have to check your current skills against what employers are looking for now. Be aware of the new tools or apps that are in-demand in your industries and learn them. Or what are the new certification required for the role you are applying for?

Many online learning websites will help you upgrade your skills. But know first which resources or courses will genuinely benefit you. Go to forums and ask peers for useful insider info.

Improve Your CV

Writing your CV is an art form. It needs to be professional and polished, but it also needs to stand out. One strategy is creating a custom CV for every company you are applying for. Understand the company’s culture and use their language; read the job description and check for the essential qualifications they look for in an applicant and then highlight them on your resume.

Keep the hiring manager in mind and think about why they would pick your CV out of the hundreds of applications.

Prepare for the Virtual Interview

Expect that your job interviews will happen virtually with social distancing measures in place in many cities. This does not mean you will appear on the video chat just in your T-shirt and looking homey.

Be professional by dressing appropriately and grooming your hair. First impressions still apply in a virtual interview, and the hiring manager will undoubtedly give you points for respecting their time and presence.

Practice your facial expressions, too. You should appear enthusiastic about the job prospect. Finally, make sure to find a quiet spot that is well-lit and free from clutter. Better if you can set up somewhere with a plain wall to avoid distracting your interviewer.

It is a tough job market out there. While the current situation seems gloomy, it will not be like this forever. The government is releasing stimulus funds to keep the economy afloat. Keep making the right improvements on yourself so that you have a better chance of getting hired.