white robot

Upgrade Your Business Processes with an AI Chatbot

Many businesses are turning to digital tools to modernize their customer service and other internal processes. As social media and instant messaging platforms are getting more users by the day, chatbots have become a norm, even for small businesses. It is expected that by 2021, more than 80 percent of businesses will implement chatbot usage in

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people preparing food

Thinking of Starting a Catering Business? Here’s What to Know

For people passionate about food and serving people, starting a catering service is one of the most popular options that can be both fulfilling and successful. In this type of business, you can serve people while indulging in their love for food and people. The cool part? You also get to attend lavish gatherings and

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marketing plan

Marketing Strategies in a Post-Pandemic World

The pandemic compelled businesses to implement changes in the way they connected with their market. Traditional marketing strategies were not effective since people were staying home to avoid the virus. Due to this, businesses that are struggling to reach their customers and increase revenue should focus on marketing strategies that are suitable situation. And with

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man and woman doing archery

How Recreational Businesses Can Step Up Their Game During the Crisis

Not all recreational businesses managed to stay afloat during the crisis. This is since many brands had to stay close after local authorities deemed their business as non-essential. But after lockdowns were lifted, owners can’t wait to get back to business and start over again. Despite the fact that people are still socially distancing and spending more

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frustrated woman

Why You’ll Never Have Enough Time To Do Everything

We understand and deeply resonate with the motivations of young entrepreneurs to take the initiative and active steps toward funding their startup, undergoing mentorship, and building the necessary capital through their side-hustles. Whether it’s learning how to start a property management business or creating a storage solutions company, entrepreneurial minds are always busy taking that

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business owner

Tips for Marketing a Franchise Business During the Pandemic

Starting a franchise business might be a good opportunity in the time of COVID-19. For one, many companies that use a franchise model found themselves succeeding in 2020 despite overwhelming odds and a terrible economy. While it’s true that no business will truly be pandemic or recession-proof, some industries and sectors have a better chance than others.

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Get Your Business These 5 Tech Tools to Gain Competitive Edge

Today’s business arena is essentially an adapt-or-die environment where only businesses that embrace technological innovations can enjoy sustained and immense successes. The rest that failed to see the need to incorporate technology in their respective businesses usually stay on the sidelines watching their tech-savvy competitors make significantly more money than them. With such a scenario,

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