Strike While the Pandemic Is Hot and Start a Business Now

woman wearing corporate attire sitting on a chair

Spend some time toiling in service to someone else’s vision, and it won’t take long to fancy how much better things would be if you got to call the shots. Thus, many employees dream of one day running their own businesses. But that vision requires a lot of hard work and risk-taking. Few people have the necessary skill, self-belief, and appetite for discomfort that distinguish successful entrepreneurs from the rest. Yet that shouldn’t stop us from trying, even amid a …

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Business Ideas for Homemakers to Become Financially Independent

woman in the kitchen

Just because you are a homemaker and have the household’s responsibility doesn’t mean that you can’t work and earn a steady, respectable income. Nowadays, there are many work opportunities, including starting a business of their own, that homemakers can take advantage of. They also prove to be a good source of income for stay-in moms. They can take care of their kids and support the house financially without having to step out. Here are seven home-based working options for homemakers …

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Starting a Business With COVID-19 in Mind

person doing business

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, you may have had an epiphany for a business idea. Embarking on your startup business in the middle of a health crisis may be daunting, but it can also be promising. The rise of the pandemic has brought out many needs that may have not been addressed before, giving startups the avenue and the opportunity to fill in the gap. However, starting a business before the pandemic has never been easy. It is certainly not easier …

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Running a Pharmaceutical Business: Practical Strategies that Help Transform Your Company

health care

Starting a business is an excellent opportunity to prove your skills and pursue your passion. However, running a successful company is not an easy feat. You need to gain the right knowledge and have the right skills to ensure that your business survives. Some people believe that as long as they develop an excellent business plan, their dream of starting their own company will come true. Unfortunately, approximately 20% of new businesses close down after two years. One of the …

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Outsourcing Versus Hiring Freelancers


Some small business owners have the wrong notion that they have to do everything. While it’s true that you may have started your business that way, it cannot sustain you in the long run. As your business and customer base grow, your team should also grow so that you can keep up with the increasing demand for your products and services. Hiring people can help you grow your business and take it in new directions. Having the right team working …

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Businesses You Never Thought Would Work Online

2 people starting up a business

If you’ve been considering starting a business, the best way to ensure success is going online. Thanks to the advancements in technology, the internet, and smartphones, the amount of commerce conducted online is experiencing steady growth. However, many are also venturing to online operations because of its convenience and great potential — giving you fierce competition. Luckily, there are plenty of business ventures that not many have explored, and to give you an upper hand, here are six business ideas …

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Taking Care of Your Employees: First Day to Retirement


Everybody knows a business cannot function without its people. And when an employer takes care of the employees, the employees will take care of the business. This is similar to a symbiotic relationship that is mutually beneficial to two living organisms. In this case, the two organisms are the employer and the employee. When employees feel their employers take care of them, they will be inspired to perform and, at times, do more than what is expected of them. In …

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U.S. Businesses: Necessary Improvements to Survive the Pandemic

businessman and business building illustration

The pandemic has crippled a lot of businesses around the world. When the virus spread in the United States, many businesses had to close. Some businesses implemented work-from-home arrangements for their employees. But others had to close down permanently despite the help they received from the CARES Act. For businesses to continue operating, they need to implement changes in their policies and procedures to ensure they can ride the pandemic wave relatively unscathed. Take Advantage of Social Media With more …

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The Surprising Perks of Failing for Entrepreneurs

What employee hasn’t dreamt of becoming their own boss? Calling the shots and taking on high-level functions sounds exciting. But the reality is that not everyone has an appetite for this sort of challenge. Most people are afraid to start a business because of the risk. Failure in any endeavor isn’t pleasant. When it doesn’t just cost face, but potentially thousands of dollars, the faint of heart dare go no further. Yet evidence suggests that entrepreneurs have a greater tolerance …

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Try Your Hand on These Five Startup Business Options

at a cafe

Data show that there are some 30.2 million small businesses across the U.S, which comprise a whopping 99 percent of all businesses in the country. What this means is that small as they may seem like, these businesses are everywhere, thus making the idea of starting up a business highly exciting. If you’re thinking about starting your own business but you only have limited funding, you should be delighted to know that there are so many businesses that you can …

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