Winning the Cornhole Game

A party is not complete without some kind of entertainment. It won’t be a party if it is not happy in the first place. There are games that can either test your physical strength and athletic abilities, while some would challenge your mental skills.

Nevertheless, playing games should be enjoyed by everyone regardless of experience, skill level, and age. And then there’s a game called cornhole. It is a popular game in the US which has actually been around for hundreds of years.

It is generally an easy and fun game you and your guests would surely love. If you want to try out this fun game, you can find cornhole for sale in your area.

How the cornhole game works

Cornhole is also known for its other terms such as bean bag toss, tailgate toss, and soft horseshoes among a few. However, this game is simply called cornhole by its many fans around the US.

It is similar to the similarly-popular horseshoe toss game, except that the former uses a cornhole platform and corn bags instead of a metal stake and horseshoes.

Each contestant should be around 27 feet away from the board and will take a turn throwing the corn bags at a built-in hole on the platform. The corn bags are usually filled with corn or resin with material made from duck cloth.

Each corn bag that shoots into the hole receives three points while one that hits the platform surface receives only one point. The first contestant who reaches 21 points wins the game. The cornhole platform is usually made of plywood and measures around 47.5 to 48 inches in length and about ½ to ¾ inches thick.

On the other hand, the hole itself should measure 6 inches in diameter and 9 inches from the top of the platform. Cornhole game regulations also require the platforms to weigh more than 25 lbs.

How to win the cornhole game

couple on a camping site playing cornhole

Tossing a corn bag may seem easy, but it actually requires a lot of practice and building your skill to become a cornhole champion. Here are some tips on playing the game and be a winner in your own right.

Instead of tossing the corn bag like you flip-toss a card, aim to create an arc when you throw the bag into the hole. It will lessen the occurrence of the bag bouncing or sliding off the platform.

It is also important to know the right footwork before tossing the corn bag. Some would prefer having one step forward when they throw the bag, while others prefer to stay still. Regardless, it depends on the contestant’s comfort level and preference.

The right grip can also affect your tossing capabilities. Although there is technically no perfect way to toss a corn bag, it is important to learn the right grip for better accuracy. Also, cornhole “professionals” suggest that the bag should be completely flat when it lands on the platform.

These are some useful tips if you are about to play the cornhole game for the first time. More importantly, you should just enjoy the game with friends. Happy playing!