Promoting Your Business Locally: Best Practices to Try

If you’ve recently established a modest business, and it’s profitable now, you need to stay ahead of the competition to ensure long-term success. However, only 33% of small businesses reach the decade mark, with the rest failing during their early years. To avoid this, you need to level up your marketing plan.

If you’re experiencing a decline in sales, it’s time to mix up your standard marketing strategy. Here are the six best ways to promote your business locally.

Offer Promotions and Discounts Regularly

Remember that consumers will always be price-sensitive, and as a business, you’ll need to recognize this by adjusting your prices in specific periods. Many may hesitate to offer promotions or sales because it lowers the value of the brand, or their current prices aren’t yielding enough profits in the first place. The best way to fight this is by increasing your base prices and offering discounts on the new prices, making it psychologically appealing to your customers as they’ll feel they’re getting a great deal.

So, make sure to calculate the costs of operating your lawn service franchise or online retail store to determine the best offers you can provide to your customers to expand your reach and increase sales.

Set Up Your Business In Google Listing

Today’s consumers prefer to search the internet for a local business — and the best way you can stand out among these searches is by listing your brand on Google’s business listing. After all, when people search online for something, they usually start with Google. Doing this makes it easy for consumers to find you better and increase your chances of driving sales. Your business’s listing needs to have its full address, phone number, operating hours, directions, and link to your official website.

Join a Local Group

If you want to expand your reach locally, you’ll need to stay active in your communities. A great way to achieve this is by joining a local group, allowing you to stay connected with locals and other business owners. Attending organizations like a local Chamber of Commerce can help you expose your brand to other businesses and potential clients.

Implement a Customer Loyalty Program

If you want to increase sales fast, consider offering a customer loyalty program. It lets you accomplish an increase in purchase frequency and average purchase amount. In fact, more than 82% of consumers say they’re likely to buy from stores with customer loyalty programs. It could be a punch card or a system that’s a little more in-depth.

Work Together with a Local Influencer

Business Promotion -Influencer marketing concept

Take your marketing plan to new levels by working with local influencers. These are individuals in your community that have a considerable following. You can pay them or give some of your products and services to promote your business on their channels to expand your reach. Doing this is one of the most preferred strategies as local influencers typically have high engagement rates with their audience, and their followers trust their recommendations.

As a business, you can’t afford to fall behind the competition. That’s why it’s best if you take a look at your current marketing plans and see if it’s producing the results you want, and if not, incorporate the strategies mentioned to promote your business more efficiently in the local setting — expanding your reach.