How to Make Life More Liveable During the Last Days

People now generally have a longer life expectancy. Current situation aside, people in the UK are expected to reach 81.8 years according to World Meters. But according to the King’s College in London, the number of deaths is increasing too. From around 500,000 in 2014 to 635,000 in 2040. They added that more than half of these deaths will be people aged 85 and over.

With these numbers, there is a challenge to improve the quality of end of life care for these people. If you or someone you know is in this situation, here are several suggestions to improve quality of life.

Make Arrangements

One of the biggest worries of those nearing the end is their own funeral arrangements. According to this American study conducted by the Funeral and Memorial Information Council, many people recognise the value of sorting out memorial and funeral services in helping with the healing process.

To prevent this worry from further adding to the already emotional and perhaps stressful time, speak with one of the many funeral service directors in London that can help make these arrangements. This will grant you and your loved ones much-needed relief during this time.

Connect and Reconnect

Connecting with loved ones is also one of the most rewarding ways to spend your remaining time. Share stories with children and grandchildren. These stories will help them remember you by, particularly for younger kids.

This could also include people who have fallen out of touch with you over the years for one reason or another. This may also mean reconnecting with estranged loved ones. Let this time help bring people closer together and heal old wounds.


According to Aging In Place, volunteering can give the elderly a renewed sense of purpose and a new life. There is numerous volunteer work that you can do. Here are some examples.

  • Collecting, preparing, serving, and distributing food
  • Fundraising
  • Cleaning up
  • Teaching or tutoring
  • Collecting, making, and distributing clothing

Many shelters also offer the opportunity to mentor their youth. You can share your experiences and life stories.

Age UK has a lot of volunteering opportunities on their website. Check them out and see what you can do.

Create a Realistic Bucket List

You may not be able to climb up Mount Everest or drive as fast as the speed of sound, but there are still some new things you can do with your time left. Plus, according to Reuters, a bucket list can help your physician plan your medical treatments.

If you can still travel, you may choose to experience flying first class. You can travel the coast or see the Northern Lights in Scotland.

If your current situation doesn’t allow for travel, accomplishing a goal may still be available to you. Would you like to finish a degree? What about learning how to swim or play the piano? Even just taking on a book or series you’ve always wanted to finish can be added to your list.

The important thing is that these items are doable. It’s not too late.

The end of one’s journey doesn’t have to be all about physical and emotional pain. It can be about welcoming new things, healing old wounds, or sharing your story. You still have time — make the most of it.