Digital Marketing in 2020

Man holding digital marketing concept

Many businesses have been affected by the pandemic. Whether it’s casinos in Las Vegas or SMEs in New York, entrepreneurs find many ways to adapt during these trying times. Web design services such as Sigma1, UX, and other digital marketing factors still play a crucial role. But keep the following trends to keep your business afloat in 2020.

1. Develop Your Local SEO

Mobility is restricted nowadays because of the quarantine, so make sure to develop your local SEO. This means optimizing your website for “near me” searches on Google. Don’t neglect your Google My Business profile as well since reviews will be essential to get traffic again. Though the service has temporarily switched off online surveys, it’s best to have them ready once they enable the feature again.

2. Use of PPC

PPC marketing is useful these days since most users are in front of their monitors or smartphones the whole day. Average cost-per-clicks have been decreasing as well, which allows you to cut down the budget of your digital marketing costs. With that, you can remain active and competitive in the market without spending too much.

3. Update the Audience through Email Marketing

Email is an excellent way to build your relationship with your target market. Be consistent in sending newsletters and updates. If you can provide insights or even webinars for free, have them on your newsletter too. Show some gratitude as well to customers who have stayed with you by sending “thank you” emails.

4. Deepen Your Connections with Social Media

The majority of people are spending most of their time online these days. Engage them using social media to deepen connections with your followers. You must have a content strategy for your social channels so that when people begin to comment and react to your post, you know how to go about it. Hashtags are also essential since these are used to spread awareness of stories and information about the situation. 

5. Communicate Official Updates

There’s no way to ignore the pandemic. So no matter how much you want to market products and services, you still have to be informed and prioritize official updates about your local area. Keep your audience in the loop with reliable information about the situation and how your business plans to go about local updates.

6. Practice Empathy with Reliable Information

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Connection with your audience has been advocated in digital marketing for years. During these times, empathy should always be practiced. And one great way to be empathetic is to share reliable information. By providing accurate details of how the situation is affecting your operations, your audience understands that you’re in the same boat as they are. So don’t give in to any click-bait tactics with false information that might ruin their trust in you.


The world has been shaken because of the global pandemic. But that doesn’t mean digital marketers can’t be helpful. Understand that people need to find hope during challenging times. Your brand can learn to be sensitive about the situation and establish relationships with your audience. Know that cooperation and support can go a long way.