Game-changing Tools and Software Every Startup Needs

Can a business survive without technology? Can any startup get up from the ground running without depending on software and tools? Unfortunately, in these modern times, you will be hard-pressed to find a business that can survive without digital tools. Whether it’s a website, app, analytics tools, or project management software, startups can’t grow without technology.

There is no shortage of business software and digital tools to help your business, though. One look on the internet and you’ll find plenty of options that will help your business reach its goals. Computer engineers designed these tools and software intending to make it easier for businesses to operate and manage their finances.


One of the things that scares entrepreneurs the most is inventory. How can you take stock of what’s in your inventory? Should you count the items manually? As much as it is a time-consuming activity, managing your inventory assures that your business is profitable. This is a measurement of your business’ revenue. You can gauge the saleability of items based on how fast-moving the inventory is.

You need inventory management software to help you deal with the tedious process of inventory. This kind of software will streamline the process of inventory. It will also give you real-time updates of the items in your warehouse or stock room.

Email Marketing Platform

The most effective marketing strategy is email marketing. If you are going to invest in a tool or platform that will help you achieve your marketing goals, do it with an email marketing platform like MailChimp. Among others, you should look for a platform that allows you to test the effectivity of your emails and shows you the performance of each email in terms of open and click rate.

Project Management Software

project management

Basecamp, Trello, ProofHub, and Teamwork Projects are the most popular project management software. A good platform should help your business keep up with what everyone’s doing. It should foster collaboration and remind team members of their pending tasks and deadlines. Now that people are working from home, a project management software takes the top spot in the list of most important work-from-home digital tools. Without it, businesses will be lost.

Website and Content Management

Very few businesses can survive without a presence on the internet. Even a vulcanizing shop in the middle of nowhere will do well with a local listing on the internet. This way, someone passing by that road who encountered car troubles can easily find your shop. It’s the same way for almost all kinds of businesses.

The most popular content management software is WordPress. It is easy to use and is so flexible and functional that all major organizations are using it to manage their content. WordPress is entirely free, which makes it attractive to small businesses and startups. And the best thing about content management software is the hundreds of plugins that you can add to it.

SEO Audit Tools

Google changes its core ranking algorithm once to twice a day. In a year, that’s about 300 to 400 changes. If you don’t take note of these changes, you might lose your good ranking on the search engine results. That’s like losing customers and sales, too. If you want to grow your business, you have to focus on the ranking of your website.

This is why you need an SEO (search engine optimization) audit tool. With just a couple of clicks, it can scan your website and conducts a detailed and comprehensive analysis and audit of the SEO elements on your site. Once you have the SEO audit report, you can make the appropriate changes to your metadata.

Shopping Cart Software

Your online store is complemented by a great shopping cart website. No matter how great your products are, consumers can easily abandon their shopping carts if the checkout process is too tedious. It’s the reason why many online stores suffer from high cart abandonment rate.

You need a shopping cart software to process payments such as credit cards, checks, PayPal, and many others. The software also computes the shipping fees and taxes. It’s a handy tool that makes it easy for your customers to check out items from your online shop.

These software and tools will help you manage and grow your business. They ease the logistical and operational activities. They are also cost-effective as they reduce the need for different employees to deal with these tasks. If you’re in the process of planning a business, do not forget to check out the different tools and software that will suit your business’ needs.