Mistakes that Cost You Your Online Art Sales

There is money that can be had in the art business. Jobs that need a creative touch, such as illustration and concept art, have salaries in the thousands range. Those who are well-known in traditional media can sell their pieces for large sums of money. But if you’re one of the countless artists out there online who are struggling with getting their work sold, then you might think otherwise. Often, it’s a problem with your marketing, not your art itself. You might just be committing these mistakes.

You’re Not Making a Good Statement

By this, we mean that you don’t have strong branding. For one, you might not have your own website or its design might be all over the place or not reflective of your own personality. If you don’t know how to make your website into how it should be, then you can hire someone who offers web design services. It’s understandable for an artist to be unfamiliar with the process, as art and design are vastly different. It’s good to swallow your pride and either learn or ask.

business discussion

You’re Not Talking to the Right People

It is possible for you to promote all you want, but not get anyone interested in your work. That might be because you’re not talking to the people who will show appreciation for your work. It’s about the same as trying to sell winter coats to people on the summer beach who are trying to get a tan. Take the time to figure out what you’re about, and look for the people who will buy that. Remember that business is all about matching people with their needs.

You’re Not Connecting With Your Audience

Some people get a good number of followers on their social media and their websites, but still don’t manage to sell anything. Your problem this time around might be your engagement. What do you do with the people who already have their eyes on your art? Do you just leave them alone, or do you get to know them? When they feel that they’re invested in you, they’ll find ways to support you. Take the time to establish a connection with your audience.

You’re Not Sure About Your Pricing

Some potential customers base their purchase decisions on how the artist prices their work. If it is too low, some get the idea that it’s not worth much and will continue to expect low prices even in the future. If it is too high, no one will be able to afford it in the first place. Do your research when it comes to valuing your work and set a reasonable price.

If you are decided on turning your art into your business, then you can’t settle for merely focusing on your product. You also need some know-how on bringing your work to your target market. Yes, there are people out there who will appreciate your creations, but if they don’t know about it, they won’t be able to. If you find that you can’t do it on your own, then you can at least ask someone to help you.