Life After Service: Different Options for Veterans

To date, over 2 million Americans have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan in the last decade alone. There are countless more who have nobly offered up their lives for the United States in military service in generations prior. For those who are fortunate to return after their draft, whether they joined by conscription or volunteering, the next step is figuring out what to do post-military. It may feel uncertain, but there are ways to have a fulfilling life after service.

Read on for some options:


Starting a business takes work, but it can pay off when done strategically. Doing this can make use of the discipline and perseverance that are ingrained within individuals who have served while providing a stream of income that allows them to be their own boss. The benefit to franchising is that you don’t have to start from scratch completely and you have a basis with guidelines along the way. Plus, it’s an established brand that can help you attract customers.

A lot of options can jumpstart this in different industries. In multiple states, you can find a hydraulic hose business opportunity and similar offers that specifically give discounts to veterans who want to establish their own franchise. That is because of organizations like VetFran who have a network of businesses that offer veteran incentives to help them find a stable career after the military.

Certification programs

Veterans can parlay their learned skills into honing more in the region of software training, information science, programming, and data processing. These are all accessible through the Veteran Employment Through Technology Education Courses (VET TEC) program and do not require a college degree to pursue. They can help provide transitionary skills that can bring you to different industries and paths.

Courses vary in length, depending on how intensive the chosen program is. Students have a choice between in-person training and online classes to get their certification. Applicants simply need at least one day left in their educational benefits before it expires to be eligible, and it shouldn’t count against their GI Bill funds.

Personal well-being

veteran with his family

Mental health and wellness is not something to cast aside. With all of the trauma and stress that comes with the line of duty, it should be a priority to give yourself some time to recuperate and find avenues that help you recover and feel happy. Taking some time to pursue personal interests and enjoyment is just as valid.

Data from the American Psychological Association reveals that there is still a staggering number of veterans who end up having problems with their mental health. A little over 77% of service members in active duty hospitalized for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder have comorbidities. This number increases yearly, and there is still not enough focus given on giving treatment and support for veterans in this avenue. Reach out for support and find platforms that can help you maintain your well-being, as this is arguably the most important factor of all that affects other avenues of life.

Veterans work hard to protect the nation and rightfully deserve to have access to opportunities that can help them in life after active duty. With these options, doing so is more achievable.