Pointers for Hiring the Right Person for the Job

Small businesses are focused on growth and increasing revenue, and hiring processes take a backseat to more pressing concerns such as finding customers and growing the brand. However, for a small business to progress from the survival stage, it needs to develop a viable growth strategy, and one way to do that is by hiring good talent.

According to Robert Half, the world’s largest human resource firm, 60 percent of entrepreneurs report that one of their top challenges is hiring skilled employees for their business. Large companies rarely have problems attracting top talent, thanks to their immense brand presence and generous compensation packages. On the other hand, small companies find it more challenging to appeal to the same pool. One way to level the playing field is to utilize tools such as online applicant-tracking software.

You might not have a dedicated recruiter to scout for talent, but you can use the same strategies they use to improve your hiring process.

1. Treat applicants with respect

Whether you’re conducting interviews over the phone or in person, it’s essential to make a great impression. You need them as much as they need you, and you want to make them feel that you’re interested in getting to know them better. Simply put, treat your applicants the same way you treat your clients.

For instance, it’s important to show up on time for the applicant’s interview. If you’re going to be late, you should inform them as soon as possible. You might want to set up the room if you’re doing an in-person interview. A drink and a light snack can help them feel comfortable. Finally, give them your calling card to show them that you’re available for questions and concerns.

job interview

2. Build a social media presence

Social media isn’t just a vehicle for marketing your brand and communicating with your customers. You can also use it to recruit talent and build a positive image of your company. For instance, by posting photos and videos of life at your company, you give the world a window into your office culture.

3. Write good job descriptions

If you want to attract the right people for a job, start by creating a thorough and well-written job description. It’s the applicant’s first glimpse into the job opening, so you want to make it as compelling as possible.

A specific job title narrows the focus to the type of applicants you’re looking for. A “Web Developer” position is too general, and adding the language you’re looking for (e.g., JavaScript, Python) ensures that you only get applications from the people you want to hire.

Next, you need to write an overview of the position. Detail their core responsibilities, the skills you’re looking for, and the scope of the job. Finish the summary with a description of the company, the work culture, as well as the compensation package you’re willing to offer.

Use these hiring strategies to find people to join your team. If you want your business to grow, then you need to hire good talent. If you’re patient and willing to think outside the box, you can attract smart and talented people without hiring a headhunter.